Tým z White Hart Lane intenzivně shání kvalitního útočníka. Podle spekulací italských médií by manažer londýnského klubu Martin Jol chtěl svůj tým posílit o Vincenza Iaquintu z Udine. Situace je však trochu zamotaná, jelikož má zájem i o Christiana Vieriho.
O Vieriho budoucnosti rozhodne víkendová schůzka se šéfem AC Milán Adrianem Gallianim. Pokud se rozhodne pro odchod ze San Sira, budou se ho Spurs snažit získat na hostování do konce právě probíhající sezóny.
Od příštího ročníku by měl v dresu Tottenhamu vybíhat na hřiště jiný střelec - Vincento Iaquinta. Za něj je Jol údajně ochotný nabídnout 10 milionů eur, což se italské straně zamlouvá, ale svou hvězdu nechce ztratit už v zimě. Druhou možností je hráčská kompenzace. Do Itálie by mohli zamířit Pedro Mendez nebo Noe Pamarot.
Celé to vypadá trochu bláznivě, jenomže Spurs dalšího útočníka prostě budou potřebovat. Egypťan Mido brzy zmizí na africký šampionát, takže o místo v útoku bude bojovat pouze trojice Robbie Keane, Jermain Defoe a Grzegorz Rasiak.
O Vieriho budoucnosti rozhodne víkendová schůzka se šéfem AC Milán Adrianem Gallianim. Pokud se rozhodne pro odchod ze San Sira, budou se ho Spurs snažit získat na hostování do konce právě probíhající sezóny.
Od příštího ročníku by měl v dresu Tottenhamu vybíhat na hřiště jiný střelec - Vincento Iaquinta. Za něj je Jol údajně ochotný nabídnout 10 milionů eur, což se italské straně zamlouvá, ale svou hvězdu nechce ztratit už v zimě. Druhou možností je hráčská kompenzace. Do Itálie by mohli zamířit Pedro Mendez nebo Noe Pamarot.
Celé to vypadá trochu bláznivě, jenomže Spurs dalšího útočníka prostě budou potřebovat. Egypťan Mido brzy zmizí na africký šampionát, takže o místo v útoku bude bojovat pouze trojice Robbie Keane, Jermain Defoe a Grzegorz Rasiak.
Komentáře (11)
Přidat komentářpacil by sa mi na miesto odchadzajuceho LArssona
ach skoda ze keane aj defoe su taki mali.ak by aspon jeden z nich bol vyssi a silnejsi bolo by to super.neviem ci dalsi spickovy utocnik je riesenim skor by sa mohol adaptovat rasiak alebo kupit niekto mlady,silny a vysoky aby vedel ze bude sediet a bojoval o miesto.tak z toho sipim akurat nespokojnost
ale ked uz utocnik tak som za kuyta alebo hesselinka ci portilla
myslim, ze to je pre jeho karieru len a len dobre, ale priat mu to prajem strasne.
Totenham je muj oblibeny klub, takze preju mu jen to nejlepsi a tim je podle me Kyut...urcite by nestal o moc vic nez tenhle ten Talian. Moc nadseny z neho nejsem, ale jestli ukous nejaky ten milion z prestupove castky protihodnota ve forme Paramota nebo Mendese, kteri si stejne na White Hart Lane uz moc nezakopou, tak bych nebyl uplne proti. Hlavne by to chtelo ziskat jeste nejake krajne obrance, tam Spurs taky tlaci bota.
Tak kuyt by stal ovela viac..Jeho cena som je na transfer minimalne 20 mega
ale ked si vezmes ze je mlady perspektivny a k tomu repre..
kuyte za 20 kdeze,tak 10-12 mega najviac neviem v akej mene sa pohybujes ale ty ja v librach
Ze by Kyuta udali za 20 mega si nemyslim...Italské kluby o nej nemaji zajem, Real ani barca taky ne, Chelsea a ManU ho nepotrebujou, Arsenal tlaci bota uplne jinde...konkurenti Totenhamu v boji o Kyuta muzou byt tak nemecke kluby a par anglickych...proste zadna spicka...proto si nemyslim, ze jeho cena je 20 mega
No, tak mě se těch 20 zdá dobrejch. Vem si, že rusákovi v létě odejde Crespo a bude ho muset někým nahradit. A Kuyt je přesně typ hráče, které Murhovnovi imponují. A ikdyby ho Chelsea nepotřebovala, tak se do toho aspoň vloží, aby vyšroubovala o pár milionků jeho cenu
. Jsou to zm.di
Ale kohouti útočníka potřebují, v létě možná zmizí do makarónska Mido
Mido se do Italie na 90% nevrati...myslim ze ho Spurs ziskaji na trvalo, pokud neprijdou kompikace (zraneni nebo neco podobneho)
3425t8868HI1930sMEDV EDVER YNICE SITE 496583425t8868
4867t2232Jenny slowly stripped 1959down to her brief translucent pink panties, while continuing to smoothly sway her hips, and shake her boobies, to the pounding caned music, as she moved in to give the big, blond-haired guy seated before her, a lap-dance he would remember. She straddled his thighs and slipped her arms about his neck, smiling at him, as she bucked and ground her hips, careful not to brush her crotch against the bulge of his erection. She arched her back, thrusting her shapely breasts forward, knowing the guy was aching to grasp her swaying orbs, dying to envelope her nipples with his hot mouth. But the customers were not allowed to touch the girls. well not officially! He groaned with unrequited desire, and pushed a twenty-dollar bill into the waistband of her panties, with fat, trembling fingers. She was one of three similarly attired, near naked girls, who were simultaneously writhing their sweet tushes over the laps of three seated male club members, while dozens more customers looked on, eagerly awaiting their own turn, including several women. Jenny had been working at the lap-dancing club for three weeks now, and was getting pretty good at this ultimate in sexual titivation. The money was pretty good, if you included the tips and she got plenty. She rubbed the guy face between her shapely breasts, finally allowing him to kiss and suck on her erect nipples, as she arched her spine and threw her head back, gasping with genuine pleasure. Finally the pounding musical accompaniment drew to a close and the lap-dance ended. As he pushed another twenty into the top of her flimsy underwear, she asked, in a husky voice, Would you like for me to dance for you privately, sir? They both knew what this really meant. If the guy agreed, another girl would replace her, while she was away, and her cut of the extra fee, would be a cool hundred bucks. It was the part of the job that Jennifer least liked, but she had to agree to it, if she wanted to stay employed. HI NICE Day.Jenny slowly stripped 1839down to her brief translucent pink panties, while continuing to smoothly sway her hips, and shake her boobies, to the pounding caned music, as she moved in to give the big, blond-haired guy seated before her, a lap-dance he would remember. She straddled his thighs and slipped her arms about his neck, smiling at him, as she bucked and ground her hips, careful not to brush her crotch against the bulge of his erection. She arched her back, thrusting her shapely breasts forward, knowing the guy was aching to grasp her swaying orbs, dying to envelope her nipples with his hot mouth. But the customers were not allowed to touch the girls. well not officially! He groaned with unrequited desire, and pushed a twenty-dollar bill into the waistband of her panties, with fat, trembling fingers. She was one of three similarly attired, near naked girls, who were simultaneously writhing their sweet tushes over the laps of three seated male club members, while dozens more customers looked on, eagerly awaiting their own turn, including several women. Jenny had been working at the lap-dancing club for three weeks now, and was getting pretty good at this ultimate in sexual titivation. The money was pretty good, if you included the tips and she got plenty. She rubbed the guy face between her shapely breasts, finally allowing him to kiss and suck on her erect nipples, as she arched her spine and threw her head back, gasping with genuine pleasure. Finally the pounding musical accompaniment drew to a close and the lap-dance ended. As he pushed another twenty into the top of her flimsy underwear, she asked, in a husky voice, Would you like for me to dance for you privately, sir? They both knew what this really meant. If the guy agreed, another girl would replace her, while she was away, and her cut of the extra fee, would be a cool hundred bucks. It was the part of the job that Jennifer least liked, but she had to agree to it, if she wante4867t2232
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